As a public-law corporate body, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists (KZBV) represents the interests of nearly 63,000 statutory health insurance dentists in Germany. It acts as the umbrella organisation of the seventeen Regional Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists (KZVs) of the Federal Länder guaranteeing the provision of dental care under the statutory health insurance scheme. This means that binding contracts specifying the rights and obligations of the health insurance dentists in providing dental care are concluded with the statutory health insurance funds that bear the costs of dental treatments. As to the dental care model, it’s the traditional dental solo practice or practice partnership the KZBV strives for.
The KZBV plays a major role in contributing to the federal legislation relating to the statutory health insurance dentists and hence implements the relevant laws at political level. As the dental profession’s self-governing body, the KZBV negotiates contracts with the central organisations of the health insurance funds on the statutory health insurance’s scope of services and dentists’ remuneration. Together with the Regional Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists, the KZBV shapes the dental profession’s future by safeguarding and continuously improving its economic and professional political framework. KZBV’s essential objectives also include controllable financial risks, economic independence guaranteed by an adequate remuneration, planning certainty and a functioning infrastructure provided during the process of setting up in practice for the first time.
Picture: © KZBV/Küpper